11 CONTINUOUS MAPPINGS 45 (3.11.1) In order that f be continuous at JCG e E, a necessary and sufficient condition is that for every neighborhood V off(x0) in E',/""*(¥') be a neigh- borhood ofx0 in E. (3.11.2) In order that f be continuous at x0 e E, a necessary and sufficient condition is that, for every e > 0, there exist a d > 0 such that the relation d(xQ, x) E of a subspace F of E into E (1.6.1) is continuous. Any constant mapping is continuous. (3.11.3) Jfx0 e E is a cluster point of a set A c E, and iffis continuous at the point XQ , thenf(xQ) is a cluster point off (A). For if V is a neighborhood of /(x0) *n E',/""1^') is a neighborhood of xQ in E, hence there is y e A n/~~ *(¥'), and therefore/(y) e/(A) n V. (3.11.4) Let f be a mapping ofE into E'. The following properties are equiva- lent: (a) / is continuous; (b) for every open set A' in Ef,f~1(A) is an open set in E; (c) for every closed set A' in E'9f~l(A') is a closed set in E; (d) for every set A in E,/(A) c/(A). We have seen in (3.11.3) that (a)=>(d). (d)=»(c), for if A' is closed and A =/-1(A/), then /(A) c A' = A', hence A c/-1(A/) = A; as A c A, A is closed. (c)=>(b) from the definition of closed sets and formula (1.5.13). Finally (b) => (a), for if V is a neighborhood of/(x0), there is an open neigh- borhood W cV off(xQ);f~l(^V') is an open set containing x0 and contained in/^fV'), hence/is continuous at every point x0 by (3.11.1). It should be observed that the direct image of an open (resp. closed) set by a continuous mapping is not in general an open (resp. closed) set; for instance, x -»x2 is continuous in R, but the image [0, 1 [ of the open set ]— 1, +1[ is not open; x-+ l/x is continuous in the subspace E = [1, -f oo[ of R, but the image of the closed set E is the interval ]0,1] which is not closed in R (see however (3.17.9) and (3.20.13)). E'. A